Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Mental Hunt

Ok so I only just wrote this not sure how good it is but hey why not.
any way leave a comment (please. seriously i'm begging)

I sneak through the ward. Invisible to the human eye yet hunted all the same. Some tried to think up what we were while others denied us to modern medicine. Yet we were always there even on the happiest days. Babies wailed in the background this was where they took the newborns where they try to protect them when they were most vulnerable sigh humans are so sweet when they're young it is always hard to pick. But I have to eat and this is the easiest way to obtain food. Sighing again i sliver up the side of a plastic crib to a sleeping child carefully snuggling in with it under its blankets. Gently I wrap myself around it holding it tight ad just like that it is me and I am it and this is how it will be forever. Till death till we part.  

Hexa flexagon

Ok so I made a mel one and FANGIRLING like crazy


also just created a youtube channel for this blog

anyway leave a comment if you are obsessed with Mel or have a music recommendation  I am currently listening to halsey and Marina and the diamonds two

Monday, 12 December 2016

A Past Fear

Ok so I know I haven't been posting for like 3 weeks but my life has been really hectic recently. Here is the prompt I started out with:

Also I drew a quick sketch of how I imaged the dark figure:


But yeah anyway just wanted to touch base with you guys if you have a Better name for this please put it in the comments (please just comment anything. It would make my day 😊).

A Past Fear


Fingers curl around me ripping at my hair tugging at my limbs. Fingernails scrape along my skin as the roar of the crowd thumps through. Me each of them begging for a turn. Suddenly the sky becomes dark. My body hit the ground gravel digging into my back and just as suddenly as it was night so where they all gone. I lie on the ground. My body battered bruised and scraped yet I dare not move. Whatever scared them away is dangerous, much more dangerous than them. Suddenly movement catches my eye as something darker than the sky peaks its head out from behind a house. Its body wispy as if it is made of shadows. Suddenly its head snaps around.  Its eyes less face stares at me    

Dark figure

I stare at her lying on the ground like a discarded play thing. Her body bruised and scraped eyes wide in fear. Humans can be so cruel to their own kind. They think that a single person can be expendable and that they have the right to decide who it is. Only a day can decide. A day. A minute. A second. I move towards her. Her body flinches although she is trying so hard to play dead. I stop above her. She tries to shrink back while staying still as I reach out to touch her


Monday, 21 November 2016

The Key

Hi again
okay so I'm going to try and keep this quick . this story is maybe a few weeks old however it stops quite  abruptly just warning you.as I was saying I am trying to keep things quick but leave a comment again I would love to hear from you and keep scowling if you want to read The Key....

I found it while cleaning out her basement. It was so small yet it seemed to gleam. Shined to perfection unlike any of the other things locked down here, As if she had used it recently. Before it happened. Before she was moved into intensive care. After everything I didn’t really expect her to get better. At least not like everyone else did. Not that I really knew what had happened.  I barely knew her. I mean how was I supposed to ask “Hi you don’t really know me but I take the same maths class as you and was just wondering what the hell happened”  seriously what kind of moron does that. The only time I ever actually talked to her was when we had been forced to work on a group project together. I’m pretty sure after that she thought I was the biggest idiot in the world. I shake the thought from my head. Examining the key one more time before pocketing it for safe keeping's. Considering it looked used she might want it back. The image of her face sends sparks through my chest. I know it’s irrational, the whole love at first sight thing yet I remember seeing her on that first day of school thinking she was different. She was special.   

Friday, 18 November 2016

I'm Back

So I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been really busy and stuff I haven't had time to write or post anything so yeah. I started this at the start of the year maybe It’s pretty good. I based the characters on people from other books if you can guess them then leave it down in the comments below. I will admit that some of them are obvious but comment them any way and if anyone want to have a rant about something in the comments don't be shy. I would love to get to know some of my viewer’s interest. I'm going to go on for hour here but this story doesn't have a name so leave name segregation in the comments as well also this is just the first chapter so if you want to hear more there will be more (hopefully if I can ever get around to editing it  it ). While this chapter isn't quite so graphic the next one is quite intense so just consider that before reading.  I think that's all so keep scrolling on to read it... 

They wheel mum out into the hall. She is covered in a white sheet. I know right then something is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. One of the doctors walks up to my dad and began to talk to him I can’t hear them but I can tell from my father's expression exactly what they were saying:  my mother is dead. She had been involved in a car crash with a drunk truck driver a week ago. She had had only a 40% chance of surviving. Apparently it hadn't been enough and now she was dead. Suddenly I feel my younger brother pulling my hand
“Hazel it ok right Mommy's just sleeping right” he looked up into my eyes. “It’s ok Hazel Mom's ok she gonna wake up soon you’ll see”
“No Finnick she not going to wake up” I whispered
“Silly hazel she gonna wake up any second you'll see” he stood there facing our mother just waiting waiting. His eyes wide and innocent. I looked over at my father his hands clenched into fists. His face white. I can tell he is trying not to cry. They wheel my mother away to do whatever you do to people after they die. Finnick tugged on my father's hand
“Daaaaaad I'm hungry can we please get lunch”.
“Finnick” my voice snaps yet somehow I manage to smooth it out’ “how about I go get you a snack for now it's not quite lunch yet” I take Finnick down to the food court to get some food and leaving my father in the hall.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Forum Problem

OK So I know I would post a question forum after Not So Original Murder but I have run into a problem: I have no idea how to create the tab bar up the to of a blog ( this may sound dumb but I really can't figure it out). so if you want to use the question forum please use this link
and if you know how to get the tab bar please tell me in the comments.

Not So Original Murder

Just before I start I wanted to say a couple of things about this story. To start off  if this was a movie it would at least be rated M if not MA so like I said in my previous post if you are under 13 please check with your parents before reading this. The other thing is this story is kind of open ended because I not quite sure if it is finished or not, I didn't get any comments back from my quick question post so I’m just kind of assuming that you guys don't really care to much whether they are finished or not.  Also today I am going to post a new section on my website which will be for any questions you might have about me or my stories.  So yeah that will be up soon hopefully. Just before I finish I wanted to tell you guys that I actually got the prompt for this story on Pinterest (if you want to follow me on Pinterest my name is Zoe Everdeen) so here the picture I got the prompt from.
I love how dumb horror fans make arguments that make no sense.  When someone goes "hello," they're not calling for the killer (they generally don't know there is one) they're calling for their friends.:  
Yeah that's about it for this post. As always I’m open to any feedback and without further ado scroll on to read Not So Original Murder  

Not So Original Murder 

It is 12 o'clock at night and you swear you can hear someone in the kitchen yet you are home alone. Quietly as possible you slip out of bed careful not to make it squeak. Silently you walk down the hall the only sound your bare feet padding across the ground. You can now see that the light is on in the kitchen your heart races as you call out “hello” your voice echoes down the hall
“I’m in the kitchen want a sandwich?” you jump about a mile high there really is someone in your Kitchen. Nervously you pad in a girl is sitting at your bench carefully making a sandwich for herself. As you walk in she turns to look at you smiling. You swear you know her face from somewhere you just can't place it. She smiles at you “so do you want on or not?” You can do nothing but nod she collects some things from your pantry and begins.  As she makes it you can’t help but notice that her fingers are stained with blood. You start to panic why the hell as her fingers stained with blood? She turns around to face you smiling. You panic almost yelling at her    “actually no I’m not hungry”. The smile leaves her face  
“OK then” she say through gritted teeth thrusting her hand into her pocket. “What a waste I made it just for you”
“What-what was in it?”  You say your voice trembling.
“Oh you know the usual ham, cheese, tomato, cucumber, poison to ” suddenly she flings her body at you pushing you to the wall and drawing a long kitchen style knife out of here pocket. Quickly she pushes the knife into your neck. A quick Simple death your vision blurs as you stumble over. That when you remember where you know her face from. All the wanted signs pasted around the block.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Just A Quick Question

 I know I haven't posted anything since hello internet but I have a question for anyone who have decided to check out this blog. My question is would you be ok if I posted either I chapter of a story each week or a part of an unfinished story? I would like to know your thoughts on this as if you would rather finished story’s   it will take my quite a while to add posts to this blog .  Also before I finish this post I just want to say that the writing I post will be quite mature so if you are under 12 you should probably check with your parents before reading  any posts and continue checking  as my writing can get quite dark and the subject differs from story  to story . So yeah please leave a comment down below and help answer this question and I will hopefully see you in the future with an actual piece of writing.
Bye Zoe 

Friday, 7 October 2016

Hello internet!!

My name is Zoe  and this is my blog Me Myself and Random Stuff.
I will be posting my writing and probably any other random thing  I can think of  on this blog. I am a massive fan girl and love alternative music and dystopian books and movie's . I am   open to any feedback you might have or suggestions on what to post. So yeah hope to see you guys in the future.