Monday, 26 June 2017

Journal prompt

hi guys
just a quick post
here a afue journal prompts i've made up
Journal prompts!!

  1. Write a story
  2. Write a song
  3. Write a script
  4. A list of things that make you smile
  5. Turn it into a wreck this  journal
  6. Draw
  7. Write a letter
  8. A list funny  things ( memes jokes etc)
  9. A to Z about you!!!!!
  10. Inspirational quotes
  11. List of favorite movies
  12. Funny things you did as a child
  13. Things you hope to do one day
  14. Dream job
  15. One magical being or aspect you wish was real
  16. Fave candy
  17. Fave food
  18. Things  you wish where possible
  19. Invent a magical creature or land
  20. Write a spell or potion

if you want more post like this comment down below also comment challenge comment your favorite something it can be anything you just have to like it

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