and welcome to an episode of me pretending to be a vlogger with word yayayayay

so i'm aware i haven't posted in awhile so i'm really sorry for that i've been really busy with stuff.
but yeah i'm just gonna talk about random stuff while I can so yeah.
TV Shows
so recently i've been watching two shows one is adventur time which i've loved for along time and the other is rick and morty which I literally just started. so adventure time (dies because bubbline)
. and yeah. There's actually a movie rent store still in our town What so vintage I know. (what am I doing) so yeah that one rant I guess. Really want to try and post once a week from now on idk
OK so first I want to talk a bout Jessie Pages new book
which i'm soooooo excited for its not funny. noI am not sponsored ( I wish) Im really thankful for all her videos and stuff about mental health its helped me alot as I have both anxiety and depression and take meds for them. Idk im so excited. also carrie hope fletcher I've just started reading her book and omg it is the best thing omg its kinda like a mental health book but not idk I love it so yay. :b
OK so afue things in here one
at school we are doing RUOK day as part of bullying stuff and it make me really uncomfortable I really don't like RUOK day for me being part of the mental health peeps it makes me really uncomfortable and I just don't really like it. I wont get to into it cause that could take ages but in short I feel like it promote strangers coming up to strangers and asking them are you ok which scares me. I think RUOK is a really daunting question and to ask to casually really scares me idk just something I think about
OK two
I'm really stressed so Blb (new word)
Bye idk
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