Hi Guys
Here is a list of some songs that mean something to me. um ok

1. Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez

ok so I have a little story that goes along with this. i'm just gonna give you a brief overview ok.
so basically in primary school in grade 5 my anxiety kinda started to get worse like id always had it but I was starting to need to see a psychologist of course my brain blowing this out of proportion freaked out and told me if I did they'd send me to anger management. i'm really not sure why I though that like I'm generally a pretty non angry person but you know. so I refused, um so a few weeks passed and I was in P.E and we where doing cross country which is already stressful for me cause I acedently cheated one year but yeah that is a whole other story so comment down below if you wanna hear that one. but yeah i'm already stressed and where leaving to go practice and my shoe laces are undone and I have this thing where A. i dont like people talking sternly to me and B. this was this phase of I never did my shoe laces up cause like they just come undone right whats the point idk. but my vice principle who is in the class with us as well as our sports teacher tells me to tie my shoe laces up so i just tuck them into my shoe cause u know there just gonna come undone and stuff and she yells at me do the properly and so now my little cry baby soles like no and i'm getting kinda angry stressed and i'm crying and I do it and I walk away. after woods as i'm walking she comes and she like your being a prep and attention seeking basically just calling me a cry baby and now i'm getting mad so I walk away and stuff so anyways where running cross country and by this time and crying and fuming and I don't want to go inside because I don't want my class to see me like this so I go and hide at the back of the back oval. and like my teacher freaks out they find me and stuff and i'm like really upset and like I talk to them for a little bit and I've gotta go into the vice principles office and talk to her for some reason. i get there sit down and she sits there and calls me a prep and a crybaby and all that again I mean what! that dose not help lady but you know and so yeah that basically why crybaby means so much to me.
I lied that was not a short story at all I really under estimated the length of it so i'm gonna leave this post at that so